1041. Robot Bounded In Circle


On an infinite plane, a robot initially stands at (0, 0) and faces north. The robot can receive one of three instructions:

“G”: go straight 1 unit; “L”: turn 90 degrees to the left; “R”: turn 90 degress to the right. The robot performs the instructions given in order, and repeats them forever.

Return true if and only if there exists a circle in the plane such that the robot never leaves the circle.

Example 1:

Input: “GGLLGG” Output: true Explanation: The robot moves from (0,0) to (0,2), turns 180 degrees, and then returns to (0,0). When repeating these instructions, the robot remains in the circle of radius 2 centered at the origin. Example 2:

Input: “GG” Output: false Explanation: The robot moves north indefinitely. Example 3:

Input: “GL” Output: true Explanation: The robot moves from (0, 0) -> (0, 1) -> (-1, 1) -> (-1, 0) -> (0, 0) -> …


1 <= instructions.length <= 100 instructions[i] is in {‘G’, ‘L’, ‘R’}


这是一个有技巧的题目,trick的地方是如果是一个圈的话有两种情况: 1.经过第一次指令后,回到了0,0的位置,那不管方向如何,最后都会回到0,0. 2.经过第一次指令后,到达了另外一个位置,但是方向不同,那么经过4次后,就会回到同样的位置。 既然条件有了,那么就可以写算法了。 向不同的方向行进其实就是:坐标向不同地方加减就可以。 然后方向是一个循环,将上下左右编成顺序,那么l,r就是在顺序上左右移动。 这样就可以获取到第一次指令后的位置,根据上面的条件进行判断。


class Solution {
    public boolean isRobotBounded(String instructions) {
        char[] chars = instructions.toCharArray();
        int[] right = new int[]{1,0};
        int[] left = new int[]{-1,0};
        int[] up = new int[]{0,1};
        int[] down = new int[]{0,-1};
        int[][] direction = new int[4][2];
        direction[0] = up;
        direction[1] = right;
        direction[2] = down;
        direction[3] = left;
        int index = 0;
        int[] start = new int[]{0,0};
        for(int i = 0;i<chars.length;i++){
            if('G'==chars[i]) {
            }else if ('L'==chars[i]){
                if(index==0) index=3;
                else index--;
            }else if ('R'==chars[i]){
                else index++;
        return start[0] == 0 && start[1] == 0 || index > 0;