2413. Smallest Even Multiple


Given a positive integer n, return the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of both 2 and n.

Example 1:

Input: n = 5
Output: 10
Explanation: The smallest multiple of both 5 and 2 is 10.

Example 2:

Input: n = 6
Output: 6
Explanation: The smallest multiple of both 6 and 2 is 6. Note that a number is a multiple of itself.


1 <= n <= 150


这道题目就比较简单了. 如果能整除2, 那么就是当前n, 如果不能就需要*2就行.


class Solution {
    func smallestEvenMultiple(_ n: Int) -> Int {
        if n % 2 == 0 {
            return n
        } else {
            return n * 2